The Lone-Wolf Terror Trap: Why the Cure Will Be Worse Than the Disease – American Civil Liberties Union News and Information (blog)
The Lone-Wolf Terror Trap: Why the Cure Will Be Worse Than the DiseaseAmerican Civil Liberties Union News and Information (blog)Worst of all, its recent highlighting paves the way for the heightening of abusive and counterproductive police and national security practices, including the infiltration of minority and activist communities and elaborate sting operations that ensnare …and more »
Tony Abbott leadership speculation: Julie Bishop will not challenge the Prime … – Herald Sun
Herald SunTony Abbott leadership speculation: Julie Bishop will not challenge the Prime …Herald SunThe Prime Minister was speaking at a childcare centre in Sydney's inner west where he confirmed the federal government would increase support for families who use child care. It comes after Mr Abbott dumped the Coalition's paid parental leave scheme.and more »
G4S Sees More Security Demand After Charlie Hebdo Attacks
The world’s biggest security provider G4S Plc (GFS) is fielding more enquiries from prospective clients after terrorists killed 17 people in Paris last week.