Monadnock school board recommends keeping budget proposal mostly as is – The Keene Sentinel
Monadnock school board recommends keeping budget proposal mostly as isThe Keene SentinelIn other business, with funding for the school security officer included in the proposed 2016-17 budget, school board members decided Tuesday night that it should be up to Monadnock's voters whether the district has school resource officer at the …

Security guard at LAX harrassing car rental customer
America's mosques are hiring armed guards amid rising anti-Muslim feeling – ChristianToday
ChristianTodayAmerica's mosques are hiring armed guards amid rising anti-Muslim feelingChristianTodayGiven the rising tensions, some mosques say they have struggled to hire and keep security guards. In Dulles, Virginia, a suburb of Washington with a large Muslim community centre, security guards abruptly quit after the San Bernardino attacks, said …and more »