House Passes DHS FY 2015 Funding Bill with Immigration Amendments that … – HSToday
House Passes DHS FY 2015 Funding Bill with Immigration Amendments that …HSTodayIt invests in the Coast Guard's eighth National Security Cutter and additional Fast Response Cutters to help protect our ports. The bill also provides critical funds to hire new Secret Service agents and to make essential security improvements at the …and more »
Terror attacks, Mountie killings, Ghomeshi scandal among top news events in 2014
1 — Colorado becomes the first U.S. State to allow recreational marijuana sales to adults at licensed pot stores. Washington state followed suit in July.
Cafe puts security cameras in 50 outlets – AsiaOne
AsiaOneCafe puts security cameras in 50 outletsAsiaOne"The Sydney incident showed us how vulnerable a society can be." The cameras, which will be monitored by managers during opening hours, cost about $1,500 per outlet. Other options like hiring security guards or installing metal detectors were …and more »