Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice And The War on We the People! – Bay Area Indymedia
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice And The War on We the People!Bay Area IndymediaIn 1898-1900 coal strikes in Illinois were incited to violence when coal operators brought trainloads of black strikebreakers [scabs] from the South. Violence grew so intense, the governor ordered the National Guard to load the scabs back on trains and …
EXCHANGE: Rail excavation reveals 1800s Springfield – Belleville News Democrat
Belleville News DemocratEXCHANGE: Rail excavation reveals 1800s SpringfieldBelleville News DemocratExcavation has been halted for the winter and should resume next spring. Security fences and cameras were erected to protect the site. Mansberger said research found working-class, immigrant families built the homes in the mid-1840s to mid-1850s, and …