NFL news, Jan. 14: Jets reportedly hire Todd Bowles as coach – SFGate
NFL news, Jan. 14: Jets reportedly hire Todd Bowles as coachSFGate… Of both deals told the Associated Press. Garrett, whose job security was in question through three consecutive 8-8 seasons, led the Cowboys to the playoffs for the first time since 2009. He will make about $6 million annually after just completing …More NFL Notes: Jets close to hiring Bowles as coachComcast SportsNet Philadelphiaall 426 news articles »
Gamble ousted in Eagles' front-office rift
TUESDAY EVENING, Eagles security officials escorted Tom Gamble out of the NovaCare complex, as is protocol for fired employees, and the team's future got a whole lot more complicated.
Wages lag as US payrolls grow – Los Angeles Times
Wages lag as US payrolls growLos Angeles TimesWASHINGTON — The U.S. Finished its best year of job growth since 1999 with brisk hiring and a drop in unemployment last month, but there's little indication that workers will start seeing wages go up much any time soon. Employers, led by professional …