Republican field guide: It's down to 8 for No. 4 debate – Newsday
NewsdayRepublican field guide: It's down to 8 for No. 4 debateNewsdayKey features: Florida senator who teamed with Democrats on an immigration overhaul that would have given immigrants in the U.S. Illegally a way to become citizens; now says fixing border security comes first. …. –Son of a Pennsylvania mailman …and more »

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Immigration financing fuels part of city's revitalization – WPXI Pittsburgh
Immigration financing fuels part of city's revitalizationWPXI PittsburghLike the Pennsylvania Turnpike, Comcast Corp. And SEPTA, City Center has tapped a program administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that allows foreign investors to secure green cards for themselves and family members by investing in …and more »