Teachers' union is big donor to N.J. Democrats – Philly.com
Teachers' union is big donor to N.J. DemocratsPhilly.comNorcross' brother George, the hospital and insurance executive who wields considerable influence in state politics, helped raise money for General Majority PAC in 2013, when the group was known as the Fund for Jobs, Growth and Security. Democrats …and more »

Respect Security: Sharidana Isley
VA and U.S. Customs Officials Accused of Gaming System to Land Key Jobs – AllGov
AllGovVA and U.S. Customs Officials Accused of Gaming System to Land Key JobsAllGovTaxpayers paid $300,000 for Rubens to relocate 140 miles, from D.C. To Philadelphia. The scheming has caught the attention of Congress, which planned to investigate … The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) discovered “a high-priority scheme” to create …and more »