CCTV Footage: Shot Eritrean Asylum Seeker Beaten, Untreated for 18 Minutes – Haaretz
HaaretzCCTV Footage: Shot Eritrean Asylum Seeker Beaten, Untreated for 18 MinutesHaaretzThe video exposes the violent behavior the Eritrean was subjected to by some nine Israelis, including members of the security forces, prison officials and soldiers both in uniform and in civilian clothes, who can be seen kicking and beating him. Only …and more »
IM Crime Files: In the Name of the Father – Indianapolis Monthly
Indianapolis MonthlyIM Crime Files: In the Name of the FatherIndianapolis MonthlyHe can see the face of the security guard inches from his own, blocking his entrance to the church. He can feel the stares of the apprehensive congregants gathered in the …. Upon his return in 1970, Ajabu walked into an Indianapolis restaurant in his …