Florida Takes Aim At Professional Guardians – Insurance News Net
Florida Takes Aim At Professional GuardiansInsurance News NetJ. Alan Smith of Boynton Beach through a senior dating website. "It was like a … Martinez-Smith has spent a good part of her life savings — $200,000 and counting — in legal fees fighting guardian John Cramer and orders by judges on his behalf. She …and more »

Mobile Alert Systems for Seniors
Get the MobileAlert device and enjoy all of the following benefits:
No Long term Contracts
No Activation Fee
Travels with you wherever you go
GPS capabilities that easily determine your location
Emergency contacts already on file.
Senator Cardin Calls for National 'Blue Alert' to Help Protect Police – Patch.com
Patch.comSenator Cardin Calls for National 'Blue Alert' to Help Protect PolicePatch.comBen Cardin, argued this week for a national alert system to widely distribute information when police officers are in danger, saying it could save lives. The legislation, introduced earlier this month, directs the attorney general to establish a …and more »
Companies Take Notice: Seniors Love Tech, Too
These days, senior citizens have access to technology that is light years beyond the old Life Alert bracelets.