Paris Shows Stadium Security Is a Necessary Hassle – Bloomberg View
Chicago TribuneParis Shows Stadium Security Is a Necessary HassleBloomberg ViewAs horrifying as the terrorist attacks in Paris were, they could have been much worse were it not for the alertness of security guards and officials at Stade de France. According to the Wall Street … Fans attending Sunday's games also noticed armed …Paris shows arena security is a necessary hassleChicago Tribuneall 4 news articles »

Palazzo questions DHS officials on use of National Guard …
How to Protect Your Tenants with a Security Professional – Bisnow
BisnowHow to Protect Your Tenants with a Security ProfessionalBisnowThey should, for example, not only be able to recognize a threat or a suspicious car, but be able to take down the relevant information (like license plate numbers) and send that information to the right place. They must also be able to … An armed …