Man charged with Topeka rape, aggravated sodomy bound over for trial – Topeka Capital Journal
Topeka Capital JournalMan charged with Topeka rape, aggravated sodomy bound over for trialTopeka Capital JournalAfter Gish retired in September to take a job with the Kansas Lottery, Topeka police Detective Scott Dickey took over the case. The Kansas Bureau of … Smith remains in the Shawnee County Jail on a $300,000 cash or surety bond. A date for his jury …

Freight Broker Agents – Lane Development and Finding …
The Labor Prospect: Viva Las Vegas? – The American Prospect
The American ProspectThe Labor Prospect: Viva Las Vegas?The American ProspectUnder new regulations aimed at combatting wage theft, car-wash shops are required to post a $150,000 surety bond while union shops only need to post a $30,000 bond, under the empirically sound theory that union shops have dispute resolution processes …and more »