NDP prepares for sprint to the finish line – National Observer
National ObserverNDP prepares for sprint to the finish lineNational ObserverTom Mulcair and his entourage have flown 32,000 km across Canada, booked 1,500 hotel rooms, helicoptered over Niagara Falls, and floatplaned into a Kenora, Ontario-area First Nations meeting. The leader has been to the Arctic, Vancouver Island, and …and more »

Riding around a old Mining Ghost Town In British Columbia …
Can LNG and hydro projects jolt these B.C. Ghost towns back to life? – The Province
The ProvinceCan LNG and hydro projects jolt these B.C. Ghost towns back to life?The ProvinceTwo neighbouring ghost towns, both failed by the 20th-century mining industry in northwest B.C., could be on the brink of new life thanks to monster power projects helmed by a pair of dreamers. The town of Kitsault, about 115 kilometres northwest of …and more »