National standards are needed for security guards – Kingsport Times News
Kingsport Times NewsNational standards are needed for security guardsKingsport Times NewsArmed security guards are everywhere it seems, but a report from CNN and the Center for Investigative Reporting found that 15 states require no firearms training for them; 46 states ignore mental health status; nine do not check the FBI's criminal …
Secrets of modern mercenaries: Inside the rise of private armies
We don't know all the details about the opaque world of military contractors. An expert lays out the real story.
Prosecutor appeals dropped charges for Jayru Campbell – The Detroit News
The Detroit NewsProsecutor appeals dropped charges for Jayru CampbellThe Detroit NewsThe charges — robbery unarmed, assault with intent to do great bodily harm and unauthorized use of a computer — stem from Campbell grabbing his ex-girlfriend's cellphone out of her hand in September during an incident at the school just hours after …Prosecutors appeal dismissed charges in Jayru Campbell caseDetroit Free Pressall 4 news articles »