Wackenhut Corrections

Taft Correctional Institution

For-profit prison companies foster 'Treatment Industrial Complex' – Frost Illustrated

For-profit prison companies foster 'Treatment Industrial Complex'Frost IllustratedThe “Treatment Industrial Complex” study said that Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and GEO Group (formerly Wackenhut Corrections Corporation), two companies that profited greatly from the rise in mass incarceration in the United States, have …

Putting "Justice" Back in the Criminal Justice System

Dr. Joe Connelly, pastor of Wesley United Methodist Church in Baton Rouge, is among his church's leaders in the United Methodist Church's national effort to stop prison privatization and to begin to address the impact of mass incarceration on families and communities. This speech was delivered on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, at a Brown Bag Lunch event in the Capitol Park in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Christian Ethicist Says Freeing Prisoners 'Would Make Their Lives Worse' – Reason (blog)

Reason (blog)Christian Ethicist Says Freeing Prisoners 'Would Make Their Lives Worse'Reason (blog)Bloggingheads.tvIn a recent New Republic essay, Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig notes that "criminal justice reform, especially prison reform, has become a rare point of bipartisan activism." But don't get too excited, she says, because conservatives are only …

Why 'Have a blessed day' greeting rattled the Air Force (+video)

When some airmen complained, gate guards at Robins Air Force Base in Georgia were told to stop saying 'Have a blessed day.' A minor uproar caused the Air Force to again allow the greeting.

Posted in Security Jobs.