Tougher SATs at age 7 meaning pupils will have to read at 90 words a minute – Daily Mail
Daily MailTougher SATs at age 7 meaning pupils will have to read at 90 words a minuteDaily MailSeven-year-olds will have to read at 90 words a minute and subtract two-digit numbers in their heads under new tests. Pupils will face division and fraction questions for the first time and be subjected to harder spelling tests in their Key Stage One …

What is the Meaning of Life?
How Patna taught me the true meaning of despair – DailyO
How Patna taught me the true meaning of despairDailyOThere wasn't much to do here except go to the river back then. Cities change as you approach them again. They shrink or expand. They confuse, and they soothe. You walk on the streets, and see from memory. Here, it doesn't hurl at you its past at the …