How DEA Agents Took Down Mexico's Most Vicious Drug Cartel – The Atlantic
The AtlanticHow DEA Agents Took Down Mexico's Most Vicious Drug CartelThe AtlanticThen came the fifth picture, and it took Herrod's breath away: a mustachioed man in a pale-yellow Lacoste shirt, reclining on white-leather seats. This was “El Nalgón,” or “Big Ass”: Manuel Arturo Villarreal Heredia, the 30-year-old chief enforcer for …and more »

Furthur – Friend Of The Devil (2011-07-22 Gathering Of The …
North Korea's Abduction Project – The New Yorker
The New YorkerNorth Korea's Abduction ProjectThe New YorkerA security guard vacationing at a seaside resort two hundred miles northwest of Tokyo vanished in mid-September. A thirteen-year-old girl named Megumi Yokota, walking home from … In the early hours one morning, Jenkins informed his squad that he was …and more »